Some reports on ham radio
in the Dominican Republic
(most from the early 1990s, one from the 1960s!)
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Article in Spanish on
homebrew radios
Greetings from Santo Domingo, capital of the Dominican Republic
DR" for short), land of sunshine, merengue music and FB ham radio!
The Dominican Republic is located on the eastern two thirds of the
of Hispaniola (thus HI ?). We are on the large island between Cuba and
Puerto Rico. The country has a population of over seven million and is
Spanish speaking. French speaking Haiti occupies the western third of
island. Ham Radio is big in the DR! A drive through Santo Domingo
numerous HF Yagis. Radio Club Dominicano (HI8RCD) is the IARU affiliate
and has been in operation since 1926. The club sports a complete HF
along with two meter gear and packet equipment. A second club, Union
de Radio Aficionados, is also very active in Santo Domingo. In the
second city (Santiago) there is much club activity including the Hotel
India DX Association. Dominican Hams are involved in a wide variety of
radio operations. HF SSB DXing is the most popular. Geography has
the island good DX conditions (we are surrounded by salt water and have
abundant solar radiation!) There are approximately one million
living in the U.S. (mostly in the New York area) and amateurs among
expatriate population maintain schedules with ham friends on the home
There is a lot of 2 meter FM activity and the packet revolution has
swept through HI land. There is a small group of six meter enthusiasts
providing a new country for VHF buffs. Hams here have worked the MIR
station and there is interest in the satellite program. The numbers
the HI prefix indicate geographic region (8 for the capital, 3 for
etc.) The suffix letters are usually based on the ham's initials. Old
are authorized single letter suffixes. Foreigners operating with
licenses have suffixes that begin with X. The DR has a reciprocal
agreement with the U.S.; hams operating under this agreement work with
their home call followed by /HI. ARRL Headquarters has up-to-date
on the fairly simple process for obtaining reciprocal operating
While not really in the category of rare DX, an HI call can stir up
pileups on the HF bands (lots of fun for a visiting U.S. ham). Tourism
is one of the country's largest industries and we are sure that there
hams among the million or so sun seekers who visit the DR's beautiful
every year. While most of the resort areas are quite distant from Santo
Domingo, tourists do frequently make it to the capital. If you're
to Santo Domingo, drop us a line and we'll see if a visit to the club
be arranged. Dominican hams are very friendly to hams from across the
HI8RCD currently has members from the U.S. and Japan. Over the years
on assignment in the DR have been very active in the local club.
Bill Meara, N2CQR/HI8

Pericles Perdomo, HI8P, visiting N2CQR/HI8. Pericles
ham radio and helped me a lot during my time in the DR. (His junkbox
the wafer switch that saved the HT-37 in the picture.) Pericles was
enthusuastic about amateur satellites - we once succeeded in bouncing
from one end of Santo Domingo to another via the Russian satellite
Pericles is now a Silent Key and is greatly missed by his fellow
21 December 1993
Notes on Ham Radio in the DR
When I first walked into the Dominican Radio Club several months
I was struck by the fact that in its outward appearances, the club was
very similar to my first radio club (Crystal Radio Club - W2DMC). There
were the piles of old QST magazines, there were the musty old QSL
the piles of old radio gear. It was all very familiar. Aside from the
language being spoken, the membership of the club also reminded me of
- there was the same mix of old timers and enthusiastic youngsters
with a "character" or two to liven up the club house! Above all
there was the same friendly spirit, the same willingness to help out a
fellow ham that has always been the hallmark of our hobby. While our
bands every day provide very pleasing evidence of radio's ability to
international friendship, I think that the face to face experience in a
radio club can be even more gratifying. Soon after arrival at the club
I found myself sharing experiences with new friends from a foreign
HI8OMA and I laughed together as we both admitted to waking up our
after contacting our first ZL! HI8LEZ and HI8RMQ and I howled with
when we recounted the difficulties of demonstrating ham radio to
(Murphy stalks the DR also!). Ham radio does have the power to bring
together. Radio Club Dominicano (HI8RCD) has recently gone through a
reinvigoration. In addition to our Tuesday night meetings, the Club
a "Can" (a sort of a party/get-together) every Saturday afternoon.
Our newsletter is back in print and a new Yagi tribander is on the roof
of the clubhouse. We have an active, informal club net on 146.5 FM
The holiday season brought a very successful and enjoyable Christmas
in our now renovated club house. A party is not a party in the
Republic without high volume merengue music! When your correspondent
the audio equipment being assembled for the party, he speculated that
gear might allow the club carry out some audio frequency DX! A good
was had by all, with the more animated club members partaking of the
music while the more staid amateurs retired to the backyard for some
conversation and fellowship. December also brought a club sponsored
competition. Here in the DR a fox hunt is a "Caceria de Pichon"
which translates as "Hunt for the Young Pigeon." One Saturday,
the streets of Santo Domingo were invaded by earnest radio enthusiasts
armed with bizarre multi-element two meter Yagis! After some struggle,
the pigeons were all captured and the hunters returned to the radio
for an awards ceremony and an afternoon of good fellowship. 1994
to be a good year for ham radio in the Dominican Republic. The club
to offer a Morse code course and we'll be working with a local school
in adding ham radio to its set of extracurricular activities. We'll
continue to work with a local Boy Scout group. As always, Radio Club
will continue to be a happy place where hams from all over are welcome.
Best of luck in 1994 to all. 73 from HI8!
Bill Meara N2CQR/HI8

My friend Oscar, HI8OMA. This is a recent (2007) picture of
him in
his Santo Domingo radio room.
Greetings from Santo Domingo! I have no central theme for this
- just some "odds and ends" from HI8: When I got back into ham
radio last year, I decided to earn my spurs and do some building. I
about how I would be able to find parts in Santo Domingo. I soon
that finding components here can challenging and fun. There is only one
Radio Shack outlet in Santo Domingo and it is very lightly stocked, so
a ham engaged in rig building has to learn where the real "electronic
parts markets" are. There is one street here with seven or eight
shops. Very little is thrown away, so the shops in Santo Domingo's
district" are full of used components salvaged from broken stereos,
T.V.s etc. When a choke or transformer burns out, there are several
businesses standing by to rewind it. Of course, the most important
for spare parts here is the collective junk box of our radio club's
This source is particularly important for those of us running older
Imagine being in a foreign country and trying to come up with switch
FS1 for an ailing HT-37... or the IF filter for an HQ- 100! With the
of my fellow hams, I was able to find both these parts in short order
here in Santo Domingo!
A U.S. ham operating from HI8 soon finds himself standing astride
gap that divides two different worlds - with one foot in each! You
stop being an "N2," but you learn a bit about how ham radio looks
from HI8! Apropos of my "odds and ends" theme, I thought I'd
use this column to offer a few observations on the use of the Spanish
in ham radio. Non-Spanish speaking hams probably perceive Spanish
radio transmissions as a lot of indecipherable high-speed chatter.
of us who do understand the language know that amidst that chatter one
can find the full range of radio conversations: the good, the bad, and
the ugly! On the bad and ugly side, you'll hear lots of talk that seems
to have little to do with our hobby and more to do with efforts to
telephone bills. On the good side you'll hear many, many QSO's in
with the highest traditions of ham radio. Spanish is a very graceful,
language that allows for elegant expressions of friendship. Non-Spanish
speaking hams would probably be surprised by what they could hear if
could program their computers to translate QSO's from the Hispanic
Instead of the "Old Man" used by English speaking hams, the Spanish
speaking world seems to go with a simple "Amigo" i.e. "Buenos
Dias Amigo Bill!" The very warm fraternal "Hermano" (brother)
is frequently used in a sincere manner - even during first contacts! I
think English speaking hams would find Spanish language QSO's very
filled with lengthy expressions of best wishes and kind remarks about
other ham's country. I find that hams from Spanish speaking countries
appreciate it if a U.S. ham makes the effort to use Spanish. Put
in the other guy's shoes: imagine having to do most of your QSO's in a
difficult foreign language! You can almost hear the happiness on the
end when you make the switch into Espanol. This works even in CW (where
Hermano and Amigo are also used as described above). The Hispanic world
is famous for its tolerance of foreigners who butcher the language. By
all means, pull out that High School Spanish and incorporate it into
operations! While on the subject of Spanish language ham radio, I think
mention of a real jewel of a magazine is in order. I'm referring to the
Spanish language version of CQ magazine. Far from a simple translation
of the English language CQ, most of the the Spanish version of the
is written by hams from Spain. It is my favorite ham radio magazine.
technical articles are excellent and cover a very broad range of ham
but for me the most attractive feature of the magazine is the very
way in which it captures the friendly, fraternal mystique of our hobby.
Its a real shame that it is not translated into English! Before I go,
is one radio related tourist note. One of the newest attractions of
Domingo is the beautiful Faro a Colon, or Columbus light house.
in 1992 and inaugurated during the commemoration of the 500th
of Columbus's arrival, the memorial houses the remains of Christopher
The enormous cross-shaped building projects a powerful beam of light
the skies over Santo Domingo. When the clouds are configured right, the
sign of the cross hovers over the city. It is very beautiful. While the
project was completed in 1992, I was amazed to find (in our club house)
HI8 QSL cards from the 1930's bearing images of the structure.
hams of sixty years ago had seen the sketches for the planned memorial
and had incorporated them into their QSL designs. I guess it's not
that hams would have been intrigued by a structure that sends a beam
the heavens! 73 from HI8!
While a ham from the U.S. will find many things about operating in
very familiar, radio work here does present some special challenges. As
in many places around the world, black outs are very frequent and even
when the power company is supplying juice, it frequently drops to 100
As a result, almost all hams here have their own "emergency power
sources" at the ready. Automobile batteries are used to power many
rigs. Many Dominican hams have installed their own large power
in small, sound resistant buildings in the backyards. When the power
out you can hear the generators in the neighborhood being fired up. If
you momentarily lose an HI station during a QSO, he is probably
to emergency power. A few enterprising hams have gone solar.
Lau, K3ZO, was in the Dominican Republic as a young American diplomat
in the mid 1960s. He recently wrote an article about his ham
radio adventures in that country. It was first published in the
newsletter of the Potomac Valley Amateur Radio Club.
Fred has given me permission to post it here.
K3ZO Dominican Stories
By Fred Lau, K3ZO
on 160
My first overseas
assignment in the Foreign Service was the Dominican Republic. I shipped my
Hallicrafters SR-150
transceiver there and a National NCL2000 amplifier.
I arrived in the
summer of 1964 and after getting settledI eventually got around to
going over to the Dominican Department of Telecommunications to apply for an Amateur
Radio license. Since
there were already several Americans on the air there I didn't expect
to have any problems, but luck was not with me.
It seems that the
Director General of the Foreign Ministry, Pedro Purcell, HI8PP, had just returned
from visiting his son in
Baltimore and had been unable to get the FCC to give him permission to
operate while he was there. So the minute he returned home he
ordered the Telecommunications Department to immediately cease issuing
Dominican licenses to Americans. Guess who was the first American
to apply for a Dominican license after his order came down?!!
The Goldwater bill
allowing foreigners to operate in the USA under reciprocal operating
permits had just been passed, but there had not as yet been any
reciprocal operating agreements negotiated with other countries. The
Dominicans had been granting licenses to Americans on a courtesy
basis. HI8PP put an end to that. The Americans already
licensed, however, could stay on the air.
Vic Clark, W4KFC got
me the text of the Goldwater law and the sample text suggested by the
State Department for the agreement. Howard Shoemake, HI8XHS, an
American missionary, had many friends in high places in the Dominican
Government so he passed the text to them informally and they approved
the American-suggested text without so much as changing a
So that left the ball
in the court of the American Embassy. The responsibility fell on
the shoulders of the Economic Attache. He was typical of a type
of bureaucrat that I came to learn was all too common in the Foreign
Service: he didn't want to be the first to do anything. At that
time no other government had signed a reciprocal agreement with the USA
and he was afraid to be the first to try to get one to do
It so happened that
HI8XHS was also handling a weekly phone patch from the American
Ambassador to his aged mother in Atlanta. When Howard learned
that the Economic Attache was holding back on negotiating the agreement, he informed the
Ambassador in language as strong as a missionary would allow himself to
use that if his Economic Attache didn't get off his behind and get
cracking on negotiating an agreement, there would be no more phone
patches to Atlanta!
In those days you
couldn't just pick up the phone and call overseas. There were no
satellites, few undersea cables, and most international calls were
handled on short wave. In the Dominican Republic you put yourself on a list with
the operator and when the circuit was available you were called back.
It might take several days for this to happen.
Meanwhile I met Wilson
Rodriguez, HI8WSR and he permitted me to operate his station using his
call. He also took me around to the Radio Club Dominicano and
introduced me to the hams there, and I joined the club and spent a lot
of time with the
members, including the aforementioned HI8PP.
Christmastime came and
the Telecommunications Department asked me to come over. I was
informed that hereinafter I was permitted to set up a station at my
residence and was assigned the personal call sign HI8XAL. They
emphasized that I was not being issued a license, but only a letter of
permission. Apparently unnamed Dominican hams had urged the
Telecommunications Department to give me this Christmas present and had
guaranteed that I would abide by the regulations, using their own licenses as collateral, as it were.
So I proceeded to set
up my station. There was just enough room for an 80-meter dipole
just above the roof of my house.
The minute I had
arrived in the Dominican Republic I began receiving letters from Stu
Perry, W1BB imploring me to get on 160 meters. The top band world
needed the Dominican Republic badly. Actually Carlos Fatule,
HI7CAF had operated some CW on 160 meters, working a few people, but
since the Dominican regulations did not include 160 meters as a ham
band, there was some doubt as to the validity of the contacts, which in
any event had been few and far between.
So the first order of
business was to get official permission to work 160 meters. I
wrote a letter to the Telecommunications Department asking special
permission to operate 160 meters on an experimental basis in order to investigate
radio propagation on that band, and promised to give them a full
written report on the results of my experiments there. They
responded with a letter granting the permission, but instead of
permitting the frequency range 1800 to 2000 Kc., the letter read "1800
AND 2000 Kc." For those of you who know Spanish, it's the difference between
"1800 a 2000" which is what I wanted and "1800 y 2000" which is the way
their letter read. I decided to operate on the basis that their
secretary had made a typo, typing "y" where she meant to type "a", and
operated accordingly.
Meanwhile there had
been progress on the reciprocal agreement front. Costa Rica had signed the
first such agreement under the Goldwater law, so our Economic Attache,
who had relatives in Costa Rica in any event, flew over there to talk
with the people at
our Embassy there about how they had done it. No doubt a little
pressure from a phone-patchless Ambassador had something to do with the
trip. The Attache returned and in a few weeks we had signed the
second agreement to be signed under the Goldwater bill.
So now I had
permission to get on 160 but my SR-150 didn't have that band, so I
ordered a used Viking Ranger from Harrison Radio in New York.
There were daily flights between New York and Santo Domingo -- indeed,
the Dominicans jokingly refer to New York as the "second-largest
Dominican city in the world" because there are more Dominicans in New
York City than in any city in the Dominican Republic except for Santo
Domingo -- so there was no problem getting the rig to me in a
The people in the
Embassy who interfaced with the Customs Department couldn't find my
little rig amongst all
the packages there, but fortunately HI8WSR's father-in-law worked in
the customs department so I was permitted to go into the customs building myself and
knowing what to look for I found it without too much trouble.
There was a Hammarlund
HQ-180 in my Embassy office which was used to monitor the Voice of
America so I was able to borrow it to use as a 160 meter
receiver. I found that my 80 meter dipole would work to some
extent by shorting the feedline together, plugging it into the center
pin of the rig's coax connector, and working against a good
ground. Since my residence was only a block from the sea, it
wasn't hard to get a good ground.
The target date was
the CQWW 160 meter contest in January, 1965. I came on two days
before the contest and worked the following stations: W2FYT W1BB/1 W2UWD W8FGB and
W4KFC. The reports I received ranged from 239 to 459 except for
Vic who of course was getting me 569 -- no surprise there. During
the contest itself I worked the following: 6Y5XG K4QAY W8JIN W3GQF
W3AJS W1WY and VP2AV in that order. Generally it took a lot of
work to get them to hear me. But the Dominican Republic was
indeed legally on 160, finally.
I decided that as a
part of my 160 meter experiments I should attempt to "borrow" a decent
antenna, for a
few hours at
least. My principal job at the Embassy was to interface with
broadcasters, so I knew many of
them quite well.
One of them was Ellis Perez, HI8EPG who owned Radio Station HIAT, Radio
I asked Ellis whether,
since his station signed off at midnight, I could use the antenna at
his transmitter
site to operate on 160
meters. His assigned frequency was 650 Kc. and I thought the
antenna system might work OK at 1800. Ellis replied that if it
was OK with his Chief Engineer, it was OK with him.
The Chief Engineer
turned out to be Hector Cambero, HI8HC. So on Saturday night
February 20, 1965, Hector and I drove out to the HIAT transmitter site,
my Viking Ranger and the office's HQ-180 in tow plus a couple of
bottles of Johnny Walker Black Label which I had picked up at the
Embassy commissary for Hector. Midnight came and as soon as the
final notes of the Dominican national anthem faded into the distance
Hector removed the coax from the 10 KW RCA BC transmitter and handed it
to me. I had put the HQ-180 on the station's assigned frequency
and when I saw WSM in Nashville pinning the S meter I thought we might
have a chance to do business. Of course I had alerted W1BB to the
experiment so the 160 meter grapevine was presumably informed.
No sooner was the
first CQ transmitted than I was called by W2GGL at 0520 GMT, followed
K8RRH and WA1CAG in that order. We shut down at 0738 GMT,
considering the test a great success. Most reports I received
were in the 569-589 range, a considerable improvement from what I was
able to get at home, and I gave almost everyone a solid 599 in the days
when people habitually gave honest reports.
By the way, it didn't
hurt at all that I came to know HI8HC this way. A few months
later Hector was named Director General of the Telecommunications
Department! Not long after that I finally received a piece of
paper from them which I had been waiting for for a long time -- a real
honest-to-goodness Dominican Republic ham license document with my call
HI8XAL in bold print.
II. More Dominican
Republic Stories
In the course of my 53
years as a ham I have had the experience of using knowledge I had
acquired, without realizing it, just by being an active ham and keeping
my ears open. I did not consider myself a techical person,
having flunked the theory part of the Extra Class exam twice before I
finally passed it. My degree is in Political Science. But
technical knowledge I had picked up just by being an active ham
suddenly came in quite handy when emergency situations presented
This happened a few
times during my first foreign service overseas tour in the Dominican
Republic, 1964-1967, where I was licensed as HI8XAL.
Before joining the
Foreign Service I had spent a lot of time operating contests at the
impressively-equipped station of Butch Greve, W9EWC, and we developed
quite a close friendship in the process. Thus once I got on the
air as HI8XAL, we QSOed frequently. This was not hard because
Butch maintained a daily schedule with Empty Wessels, ZS6KD. His
beam heading when working South Africa
was not that far off
of me, so when I had a chance I would often call Butch after he
finished with ZS6KD.
So it was on Saturday,
April 24, 1965. I had been talking with Butch for about half an
hour when I heard a sudden burst of machine-gun fire which seemed not
too far away. Since I was the American Embassy's Duty Officer
that weekend, it was also my job to try to find out what was going
on. As I'm sure some of you
know, smaller U. S.
Embassies designate, on a rotating basis, officers who serve as the
first contact point for the public during the weekend, so that the
other Embassy officers can enjoy their weekends with their families
unless something comes up which requires their presence in the
As duty officer I had
spent Saturday morning at the Embassy reading incoming cables from the
State Department in Washington and reading the local newspapers. If it
appeared that there was a need for urgent handling of some matter, at
my discretion I would call the responsible officer on the telephone and
inform him of the situation. He would then either direct me to
take a particular action or come to the Embassy himself to work on the
problem. That particular Saturday morning things had been very
quiet so I went home for lunch and after lunch I worked Butch.
On hearing the
machine-gun fire I told Butch that something had come up and
immediately went QRT. The Dominican Republic's National Palace,
the seat of government, was not far from my residence and I quickly
determined that the firing was coming from the vicinity of that
building. I immediately drove to the Embassy, prepared to call
the Political Counselor to tell him what I had seen and heard.
But when I got to the Embassy the place was already a beehive of
activity as the Political Counselor and the Military Attache had
already been called by their local contacts who told them what was
going on. They were busy calling around to people they knew and
filing reports by cable to Washington. It appeared that there had
been a split in the Dominican military, with one group of officers
having captured the National Palace in an effort to bring back a former
President who had been a victim of a coup d'etat, while elements of the
military who had carried out the coup d'etat were trying to recapture
the National Palace.
Being a very junior
officer there was not really a lot for me to do so I returned
home. By that time the level of hostilities had escalated and
P-51s from the Dominican Air Force were diving in and strafing the
National Palace. >From the roof of my house it was a fascinating
show to watch, but of course in the back of my mind I realized that the
situation was deadly serious. The rebel officers had also taken control
of a couple of local radio and TV stations and were making dramatic
announcements, interspersed with martial music. I regret to this day
that I didn't take the trouble to tape-record these broadcasts as it
would be great history to have them to listen to today.
The Embassy was caught
flat-footed as the Ambassador was away on vacation andthe Deputy Chief
of Mission (DCM), who with his wife had astonished the local high
society by such things as holding dinners which began at midnight, was
in charge. But when it became urgent for him to exert leadership at the
Embassy he was utterly incapable of doing so and in effect had a
nervous breakdown. As the city gradually spun out of control all
the DCM's wife could worry about was what would happen to the animals
at the Zoo.
So the Military
Attache, no stranger to command, took charge. The Ambassador was
located in the USA and began his trip to return but given the situation
it took a while for him to get there. Meanwhile there was a lot
to do and every officer pitched in to contribute according to his or
her special capabilities and knowledge.
I had shipped my
air-cooled Chevrolet Corvair, the same car I drove to Washington from
my home state of Wisconsin when I first went to work for the U.S.
Information Agency (USIA), to the Dominican Republic.
Fortunately, just prior to my leaving Wisconsin, John Koster, W9DDD had
spent a whole day installing my Hallicrafters SR-150 in my car and a
home-brew whip on the back bumper, using an Air Dux coil, usually meant
for use in tank circuits of linear amplifiers, as a loading coil with
taps so I could resonate it on any frequency I chose between 3.5 and
21.4 MHz. For use on 10 meters the coil was bypassed
altogether. The antenna was designed and built by Larry Jacobson,
then K9ANJ, now K5LJ.
It wasn't long before
the Peace Corps Director asked me whether I could operate on a
frequency of approximately 7600 KHz. I answered that I thought I
could,but since my transceiver was ham-band only, I would need to make
an adjustment to the VFO first. I also advised him that I could
operate the radio in my car if necessary.
Having been given the
frequency and the tactical call signs to listen for, I returned
to my house, where fortunately I had installed a Hammarlund HQ-180
which belonged to my office. My office was at the American
Library, right downtown in an area now controlled by the rebels, so had
the HQ-180 been there I might not have been able to get to it.
Occasionally it became good foresight to borrow office equipment for
one's personal use!
I first used it to
find the tactical net around 7600 and then, with the SR-150 switched to
the 40 meter position, fiddled with the slugs on top of the SR-150VFO
housing until I heard myself come in on the frequency in
question. I put the SR-150 in the car and went back to the Embassy.
It turned out that the
U. S. Government had decided to intervene in the Dominican revolt,
having become alarmed at some of the talk on the rebel radio and TV
stations, which appeared to show that Fidel Castro might have been
involved in fomenting the revolt. The tactical net I was now a
part of, my call sign being "Shade Tree One", was a net of the U. S.
Naval fleet now steaming to the vicinity of the Dominican
Republic. My first attempt at checking in was successful, and
from that point onward I was fully occupied for several days.
I parked my Corvair
beside the Embassy, not far from the front door. The headquarters
of the National Police was a block away from the Embassy and the two
sides fought for control of that building, so bullets from the
firefight over there regularly whistled through the trees above my head.
In order not to run
down the battery in my car I had to keep the engine running. In the hot
climate of Santo Domingo, this wasn't so good for my air-cooled engine
since I was stationary the whole time. Every evening about six
o'clock I raced the engine with the accelerator to clean it out and
watched the clouds of black smoke come out of the exhaust pipe.
The Ambassador had
meanwhile returned to post and three or four times a day he would come
out of the Embassy to my car and talk to the Admiral of the Fleet,
ducking down as he walked to stay below the line of fire from the
hostilities in the next block. The only other way he could
communicate with the Admiral was to send a teletype message to
Washington, which would then be relayed to the Canal Zone and thence to
the fleet. So my car-installed radio was the only way for him to
have instantaneous contact with the Admiral. I understand that
not long afterwards the State Department ordered that every U. S.
Embassy and Consulate in the world have a Collins KWM-2A on site.
I labored this way for
several days until the Marines were able to offload an armed personnel
carrier bristling with communications gear and drive it to the Embassy grounds.
Surprisingly when they tried to contact the fleet they couldn't be heard, so my SR-150
did duty for a couple more days while they figured out what was wrong with the APC.
At least I had a crew of marines to operate my radio now so all I had
to do was keep it running!
Once I was freed from
communications duty I was asked to participate in a planning meeting
chaired by Gen. Bruce Palmer, the commander of U. S. forces in the
operation. He and his staff were concerned that the rebels
controlled a government broadcasting network that had radio stations
all around the country. They were worried that the revolution, thus far
confined only to the city of Santo Domingo, might be spread to the
whole country in this way. Because it was my job to interface with the
country's broadcasters, I was aware that the network in question used a
mountaintop FM relay to feed those stations around the country. I
pinpointed its location on a map for him and not long after that a
helicopter-borne team was dispatched to remove certain components from
the FM relay transmitter, disabling it.
By then those of us
working for the U. S. Information Service (USIS) had set up a command
post at the house of my boss, the USIS Chief, because he had a roomy
place as one of the most senior Embassy officers and its location was
well away from the area of hostilities. USIA Washington had
dispatched a few people to augment our small staff and we all worked,
ate and slept at my boss's house.
I was told that we
would be installing a small broadcast transmitter at the house and was
asked to recommend a clear frequency so that it could be heard clearly
throughout the Santo Domingo area both day and night. I returned
to my house in order to retrieve the office's HQ-180 as I needed it to
carry out that assignment. Much to my horror I discovered that my
house was now inside the rebel zone, but only by half a block. So
I parked my car just outside the zone and walked in. There was a
rebel policeman manning a checkpoint for cars transiting between the
two zones, but I pretended not to see him and he pretended not to see
me as I carried the bulky HQ-180 past him to my car.
Once installed at my
boss' house, the HQ-180 helped me determine that 1060 Kc. appeared to
be the clearest night-time frequency on the standard broadcast band, so
that was where it was decided to put our transmitter. A U. S.
Army crew installed an antenna in the trees in a vacant lot next
to the house and a 1 KW Gates transmitter arrived.
Imagine my surprise when
I saw fellow PVRC member Ray Aylor, W3DVO walk into the compound with
his suitcase. Ray, a Voice of America engineer who had designed a
lot of medium wave antennas for VOA relay stations around the world,
had been dispatched to get the broadcast transmitter set up and
operating. Pretty soon it was on the air.
Another one of my duties
was to scan the broadcast bands, both AM and FM, to detect any rebel
broadcasts that we didn't already know about. Since the presence
of the broadcast transmitter in the compound made the AM band somewhat
difficult to monitor, I spent most of my time with the office's Zenith
Transoceanic tuning the FM band. I heard what appeared to be a
strident rebel agitator at several points on the FM dial. Putting
two and two together I realized that what I was hearing was the result
of overloading from the AM transmitter in the house. I had never
bothered to listen directly on 1060 because since the station was
"friendly" there was no reason to monitor it.
I went to the fellow
from Washington who had been sent down to run our operation and he
confirmed that our transmitter was being used by another U. S.
Government agency to pretend to be controlled by a rebel faction which
was unhappy with the way the rebel leadership was running the
insurgency. The idea was to try to drive a wedge between rebel
leaders. Indeed the real rebel radio soon began to denounce the
broadcasts as not coming from the legitimate insurgents.
Once Ray had the
transmitter up and running he was assigned other duties. Since I
spoke fluent Spanish and knew something about radio I was assigned to
accompany him. Our first job was to take a Collins R-390 provided
by another U.S. Government agency and set it up at an operating local
broadcast transmitter so that the Voice of America's Spanish-language
service, which had been extended to 24-hours-per-day as a result of the
crisis, could be retransmitted in the standard AM broadcast band using
a local transmitter.
Almost all of the
Santo Domingo broadcast transmitters were located on the east side of
the Ozama River which bordered downtown Santo Domingo. We had to
use a street which
had become the dividing line between the rebel zone and the loyalist
zone to get there, and since we were using a U. S. Army truck
manned by a squad of
riflemen we occasionally drew a bit of small-arms fire. For years
afterward Ray regaled visitors to his home with tales about how he had
been shot at during his TDY in Santo Domingo. But what bothered
Ray more than the shooting was having to work inside stuffy transmitter
buildings in the tropical heat. "Shot at and missed; shit at and
hit" was the way Ray put it in his typically unvarnished language.
The first transmitter
we had arrived at was the site of Radio Station HIAS, Onda Musical, on
1150 Kc. The first thing the national police did when there was a
revolt or coup d'etat brewing was to go around to all the
privately-owned broadcast transmitters and impound their crystals,
putting them off the air. The only station remaining on the air was the
official government station. Unfortunately this time the rebels
controlled the government station.
Ray had brought a
bunch of crystals with him from Washington but one for 1150 was not
among them. He had one for a nearby frequency and was preparing to
rejigger the tank circuit of the homebrew 5 KW transmitter to resonate
on that frequency. Meanwhile I was explaining in Spanish to the
caretaker of the transmitter site what we were doing. He urged me
to talk to the station's owner, who I knew, first, and got him on the
telephone. The owner told me to go into his workshop where I would find
a big jar of nuts and bolts. I should thrust my hand all the way down
to the bottom of the jar where I would find a crystal for 1150
Kc. Sure enough, there it was! So we plugged it into the
transmitter and fired it up. Then we offloaded the R-390
and tuned in the Voice of America Spanish service on about 11 Mc. and
fed the audio to the local transmitter. Presto! The VOA was
broadcasting loud and clear from right inside the city of Santo Domingo.
As we were about to
leave we were stopped by a roving patrol of Dominican Air Force
soldiers commanded by none other than Maximo Fiallo, HI8MF who I knew
from the Radio Club Dominicano. The principal air base of the
Dominican Air Force was not far from the Santo Domingo broadcast
transmitter zone. HI8MF was a talented engineer, and since the
loyalist side did not have control of the government station, he had
commandeered the transmitter site of HIAT, Radio Universal, and was
running an Air Force broadcast operation from there. While we
were nominally on the same side of the war, I don't think Maximo
particularly appreciated our mucking around in "his" territory, but
after we explained what we had done he let us continue without
Ray's next assignment
was to try to figure out how to jam the rebel radio station. The rebels
had commandeered the 10 KW broadcast transmitter of HISD, 620 Kc.,
principal station of the government's Radio Santo Domingo
network. We arrived at the transmitter site of HIAW, Radio
Guarachita on 690 Kc., with the idea of trying to retune the 10 KW RCA
transmitter there to operate on 620 Kc and thus jam the HISD
signal. Ray worked for several hours retuning the transmitter's
tank circuit and the antenna tuner at the base of the tower to 620 Kc.
and succeeded. We then discussed how we should carry out the
jamming operation. We could either zero-beat the HISD signal and feed
an audio tone to the HIAW transmitter, or we could offset the signal
putting a beat-note against the HISD carrier. Ray was concerned
that should the latter method be used, listeners could slope-detect the
HISD signal on the opposite side from where we had placed the carrier
and pretty much nullify the jamming. So we fired up an audio
signal generator that Ray had brought along and set the tone to
modulate about 15%.
When we got back to
the USIS headquarters we were delighted to observe that the jamming was
quite effective. But our joy was short-lived. It turned out
that the HIAW modulation transformer couldn't stand the steady 15% load
in the tropical heat and blew up. Several months later I drove a
USIS van to the local
air force base and an
RCA modulation transformer was offloaded from a USAF plane and was
quietly unloaded in the yard of the house of the owner of HIAW without
comment. "Your tax money at work."
Meanwhile after they
had time and knew what they needed, the U. S. military had brought in
their own transmitter which was hooked up to the antenna of a local
station and our own local "Voz de la Zona de Seguridad" was on the air
on 1000 Kc with VOA Spanish-speaking announcers flown down from
Washington to man the station. This gave the U. S. propaganda
effort the capability of tailoring the programming to local conditions
rather than simply repeating the Washington-based programming which, by
the way, was tailored for the entire Hemisphere and not just for the
Dominican Republic.
The military also
brought in a "transportable" transmitter with its own antenna system
which was used to jam HISD with a series of squeaks and squawks that
were truly distracting to the ordinary listener.
The Voice of America
had also dispatched its own bilingual Spanish/English reporter, Harry
Caicedo to cover the story of the attempted revolution and file reports
back to Washington. By this time the story had attracted the
world press and the line to file stories at the overburdened local
telegraph office was always a mile long. Harry was complaining
that he spent more time standing in line at the telegraph office than
he did running around town getting news to write about. So Ray and I
got the idea that maybe we could put Amateur Radio to work to help
Harry out.
We got the Army
antenna crew to make a 20 meter dipole for us and put it up in the
trees, and fired up the SR-150 on 20 meter CW. It wasn't long
before we managed to find someone in the Washington area and we got
them to call Vic Clark, W4KFC to get on the air. We asked Vic to
get in touch with the VOA Newsroom and see if we could set up a
schedule to have 14085 KHz manned by PVRC members at certain times so
that we could file Harry's press dispatches by CW. Vic set it up and
besides himself I remember that Dick Young, W3PZW did yeoman service in
the operation. So thanks to ham radio Harry Caicedo became the
only foreign correspondent who didn't have to stand in line at the
telegraph office. The frequency of 14085 was selected because in those
days there was no digital stuff up at that end of the CW band, and
though the CW band was a lot more crowded than it is these days, that
end of the band was not very busy.
Ray's TDY term came to
an end and he went back to Washington, to be replaced by VOA Engineer
Larry Mennitt, W4IVF. All along we had been puzzled at why the
in-house transmitter on 1060 didn't seem to have the signal around town
that would have been expected, so Larry was tasked to look at it.
What he found was that Ray had resonated the transmitter on the second
harmonic, so all along we had been putting out a terrific signal on
2120 where nobody was listening to it. No wonder the rebels
hadn't been complaining all that much about the station!
Eventually the two
sides in the war negotiated a settlement and a non-politician who got
along with everybody, Hector Garcia-Godoy was chosen to lead a
caretaker government until new elections could be held. The day
came for Dr. Garcia-Godoy to take office and he wanted to address the
nation that evening. Naturally he expected to be heard all around
the country so we had to get the mountaintop relay transmitter up and
running again.
Fortunately this time
I was included in the party that helicoptered up to the mountain to put
the relay station back on the air. The party was led by a Signal
Corps Master Sergeant whose W4 call I unfortunately didn't make a note
of. The group was busily installing the required parts back into the FM
transmitter when someone said: "Oh no! I forgot to bring the IF crystal
for the receiver." There was no time to get the helicopter back to
Santo Domingo and then back up on the mountain again in time for the
President's address to the nation. What to do?
This time a Political
Science graduate who had fooled around with ham radio came to the
rescue. I thought that if we could somehow generate a signal
around 10.7 Mc. and
feed it into the receiver's crystal socket we might be able to get
around the lack of the crystal. I noticed that next door to the
FM transmitter site was a telephone company relay site and there was an
engineer on duty there. So we went over and asked him if he had a
signal generator. He said yes and we asked to borrow it. He wasn't about to say
no to a squad of rifle-toting soldiers. It even came with its own dolly
so we wheeled it over to the FM transmitter, plugged its output cable
into the receiver's crystal socket, rocked the signal generator's VFO
around 10.7 Mc. and lo and behold! the signal from the Santo Domingo FM
transmitter came in loud and clear. So we locked everything down
and flew back to Santo Domingo, mission accomplished. The signal
generator actually held the frequency for two more days until the
government network's own staff could drive up the mountain and install
the missing crystal.
The kicker of this
story is that the Chief Engineer of the rebel radio station which we
had spent so much time and effort trying to jam turned out to be none
other than Hector Cambero, HI8HC who had been the one who had earlier
accompanied me to the HIAT transmitter when I did my 160 meter
experiment. For
his efforts he was
named Director General of the Telecommunications Department, the office
that issued ham radio licenses, because the political settlement
dictated that people from both of the warring sides would divide up the
political appointments to government departments.
Hector and I had many
a laugh over drinks comparing our electronic war efforts during the
preceding months. Though he gently chided me for interfering in
his country's internal affairs, he was the one who finally saw to it
that I was issued an honest-to-goodness Dominican Republic Amateur
Radio license.
Oh yes, I kept track
of the two R-390 receivers that we had installed at local broadcast
transmitters and when they were no longer needed I took them to my QTH;
by then I had rented a nice place out in the country and put up a
couple of towers with a 40 meter beam and a 10-15-20 meter 4 element
quad. When it came time for my tour in the Dominican Republic to
end I attempted to return the receivers back to their parent Agency,
only to learn that the property records for those two receivers had
been destroyed, so that officially at least, these two receivers
"didn't exist."
I didn't feel right
about keeping them for myself, however, so Hector's monitoring
department at the Telecommunciations office suddenly received a Collins
general coverage receiver from the "U. S. aid program," while the
other one went as a reward to a radio station which had used a lot of
our canned VOA programming. They used it to receive broadcasts on short
wave from their sports announcer when they dispatched him to New York
to cover New York Yankees games
III. Memories of HI8LC
In commenting on my
earlier story K3SWZ mentioned HI8LC. Since Luis, HI8LC was
a regular in all the contests for several years, I thought the rest of
you might be interested in his story:
Luis was a very good
friend. I have been in that upstairs shack with the walls
plastered with all those obscure certificates on several
occasions. Luis was a half-brother of Caamano, the leader
of the revolution I have been writing about, so, although he performed
competently and loyally during the revolution, he lost his job as Chief
of Communications for the Dominican Navy because of who his
relatives were.
The Embassy later took him aboard as an electronics technician.
Some time after my
sojourn in the Dominican Republic, while I was working in Argentina, I
was visited by Tony Pita, XE1CCP, who was on the Executive Committee of
Region 2 of the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU). Tony
said that the Radio Club Dominicano regularly paid its dues but
otherwise never communicated with IARU. Was there anybody in the
club, he asked, who he could contact so that they could find out what
was going on there. I recommended he contact Luis.
That led to Luis
himself becoming a member of the Executive Committee of IARU Region
2. He served competently in that position for several
years. New leadership in the RCD, however, worked to undercut
Luis because he was also the RCD QSL Bureau Manager. In that
capacity he had regularly distributed QSLs for members of the rival
national society, the Union Dominicana de Radioaficionados (UDRA) to
UDRA as a goodwill gesture. The new RCD leadership wanted him to
stop doing this so that people would have to join the RCD in order to
get their QSLs. The RCD leadership felt this would increase their
membership and income. I felt bad about this because I was the
one who had convinced Luis to do his best to get bureau QSLs to their
destinees no matter who they were, since it has always been my position
that QSLs belong to the destinee and are never the property of any
intermediary, be it a post office or a radio club.
Luis refused to change
the way he ran the bureau. So the RCD leadership had the lock
changed on P. O. Box 1157 so Luis' key didn't work. That was no
problem for Luis; he had friends at the post office so they just handed
him whatever was in the box. That led the RCD leadership to wage
war on Luis. They notified the President of IARU Region 2
that RCD no longer supported him as their representative on the
Executive Committee. That caused a showdown at the IARU Region 2
Conference in Orlando in 1989. Coincidentally I was at that
conference because I was about to begin my job as Editor of IARU Region
2 News.
Several of Luis'
friends paid their way to Orlando to plead his case and they begged me
to do what I could to save his job, but since they were not a part of
the official RCD delegation, and since Mexico, which had not had a seat
on the Executive Committee for several years wanted to get back on,
Luis' situation was hopeless. He returned to Santo Domingo a
bitter and broken man and died not long afterwards of a broken
heart. I felt terrible about the situation.
At that time there
were hundreds of HI's on the air. Where are they now? In my
mind by taking that action the RCD leadership did its best to kill ham
radio in the DR.
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